

Shiori Watanabe(Japan)

The "Species Preservation Law," officially named the "Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora," was established in 1992.
This artwork suggests how a nation defines "nature" and demonstrates how nationalism is intricately intertwined with the relationship between nature and humans. It highlights how the protection and elimination of living things are used to create an "ideal ecosystem."


  • 作品番号:09

  • 制作年:2024

  • 公開期間:August 11 (Sun) , 2024 - November 10 (Sun)  Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesday (excludes national holidays)

  • 鑑賞料金:パスポート提示または個別鑑賞料金1,000円


  • 所在地:old fish market
  • 開館時間:August-September: 10:00-17:00,October-November: 10:00-16:00
  • 休館日:Same as exhibition hall
  • 駐車場:

Shiori Watanabe

1984 Born in Tokyo
2008 Graduated from Chuo University, Faculty of Letters, Department of French Studies
2015 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture
2017 MFA in Sculpture from the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

Solo Exhibitions
2024 “BLUE” SACS Shibuya
2022 “Kujira” DECAMERON Kabukicho
2022 “Nipponia nippon SYP gallery
2021 “Bebe” WHITEHOUSE
2018 “sweet doughnut” S.Y.P - Artists run space in Tokyo -

Group Exhibitions
2024 “Ichikawa Art Festival”
2023 “YATSUGATAKE ART ECOLOGY 2023" (Kiyoharu Art Colony)
2023 “MEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL 2023” (Warehouse TERRADA)
2023 “ARTBAY TOKYO” (Symbol Promenade Park)
2023 “Geist Enclosure” (studio Ghost)
2022 “#metttafestival” BUoY
2022 “New Worlds” organized by the NMWA (National Museum of Women in the Arts) Japan Committee

2021 “Non Not equal Between man and matter” 3331 Arts Chiyoda
2021 “Das Fremde in der Isolation” Cologne, Germany
2021 “Say Hello to Strangers” Kanazawa
2021 “RIPPLE ACROSS THE WATER 2021” Shibuya City Mitake Branch Office
2020 “A waiting room” Goethe-Institut
2020 “Non-Human Control”TAV gallery
2020 “Dyadic Stem” The 5th Floor, Tokyo
2020 “#4cases / #HumanTrajectory / #Anthropocene”RELABEL Shinsen

2022 “Toto-tarari-tararira-tarari-Agarira-raritou” Shinjuku Kabuki-cho Noh Stage
2020 “Amusement park city evolution — Squat strategy meeting in Shibuya” Planning/Exhibit, RELABEL Shinsen