
07.Iron Stacking: Build Your Way


"Iron Stacking: Build Your Way" is an artwork inspired by the automotive repair industry. Using deconstructed car parts, particularly car hoods, it explores themes of automobile manufacturing, consumerism, and labor. The distinctive shapes of the car hoods reflect the era of modernization and consumer culture. The piece also highlights the use of contemporary industrial materials, bringing new life to these elements. Displayed at the Sado Island Galaxy Art Festival, the artwork invites visitors to participate in iron stacking, inspired by Japanese folklore about stone stacking. This interactive activity connects with the island's history as a bustling port, symbolizing the hard work of industrial laborers and the area’s cultural prosperity. The ever-changing stacking forms reflect the evolving process and environment, blending modern design with historical remembrance, and representing the island’s evolving history and diverse future possibilities.

This work is supported by the Taipei City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau.


  • 作品番号:07

  • 制作年:2024

  • 公開期間:2024年8月11日至11月10日(週二、週三公休※國定假日除外)

  • 鑑賞料金:¥0


  • 所在地:Negai Coast
  • 開館時間:Daytime
  • 休館日:Open all day
  • 駐車場:願海岸沿い

Wu Chien-Hsing吳建興

1987 年生於台灣,現生活、工作於紐約及台北。他的創作涵蓋繪畫、複合媒材、空間裝置、錄像、雕塑和行為藝術等多個領域。作品善於運用日常物件,探索物件外在形態與內在能量的轉換和存續可能性。早期作品以「家」所建構的人際網絡和價值體系為主要創作理念,試圖透過藝術的方式尋找與台灣產業結構轉變和自身生活經驗的相似之處,為逐漸式微、凋零的產業尋找新的發聲權,讓它們在其他領域受到關注。 作品往往透過工業製造的考據,解構物體和符號,進而發現其中生產的循環和諧矛盾。作品往往融合了神話、預言及反傳統雕塑的元素,涉及過去、現在和未來、工藝與工業、世俗與神聖、現實與虛構等概念,從而反映消費主義和現代化產物的文化遺產。藝術家以獨特的視覺形式和創作手法引發觀眾對社會、文化和個體經驗的思考。作品充滿詩意和象徵性,透過融合當代材料的不同元素,創造出獨特存在的共感經驗。