Yayoi Deki(Japan)
An installation piece set within a boathouse, and constructed upon a tub boat and oar that has traditionally been used for coastal fishing on Sado Island since the Edo period.
- 作品番号:19
- 制作年:2018
- 公開期間:2024年8月11日-11月10日(逢周二、三休息※节假日除外)
- 鑑賞料金:¥0
- 所在地:TAACHI
- 開館時間:August-September: 10:00-17:00,October-November: 10:00-16:00
- 休館日:Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- 駐車場:あいぽーと佐渡駐車場または北埠頭駐車場 →北埠頭駐車場の位置をみる
Yayoi Deki
After graduating from the Kyoto College of Art in 1998, Yayoi participated in the Ground Zero Japan exhibition at Art Tower Mito, the Venice Biennale of Architecture, as well as several other international exhibitions. Recently, several of Yayoi’s works have had a tropical motif.