04.Film “Another Time”
John Williams(Welsh=UK)

I’ve now made three films on Sado Island and I hope to make at least three more. There is so much to attract filmmakers to Sado – the landscape, the colors, the changing seasons, the stories, legends, history and above all the people who live here. When I bring friends to Sado they always tell me that they are inspired to write or create something. This film, Tabi, Another Time, is based on a famous radio play from Wales, called Under Milk Wood, which is set in a small fishing village in Wales. I combined this with local legends and stories from Kitaushima. Originally, I planned to do this as a play on the seashore, but because of the pandemic it became a film. One day I hope to stage a play in Kitaushima.
Art Details
- Art Number:04
- Year of Production:2024
- Screening date:Aug 11 (15:50), Aug 24 (15:05), Aug 25 (16:45), Nov 10 (TBD)
- Admission Fee:¥0
Venue & Access
- Location:Aiport sado
- Opening Hours :August 11 (Sun) , 24 (Sat) , 25 (Sun) , November 10 (Sun)
- Closed:Closed when no showings
- Parking:Parking lot available

John Williams
John Williams is from Wales in the UK but has lived in Japan since 1988. He has written and directed several award-winning Japanese language feature films, including Firefly Dreams (Ichiban Utsukushii Natsu), Starfish Hotel, Sado Tempest and Shinpan (The Trial). His two latest films were both shot in the village of Kitaushima, at the northern tip of Sado Island. One is documentary, shot over the last ten years, called North Cormorant Island. The other is Tabi (Another Time), which mixes the culture and folklore of the village with puppetry and live actors.