08.Bodies of Water – The Sea of Japan
- 作品番号:08
- 制作年:2024年
- 公開期間:8月11日(日)〜11月10日(日)火・水定休 ※祝日除く
- 鑑賞料金:無料
- 所在地:虫崎倉庫、メレパレカイコ
- 開館時間:8-9月:10:00〜17:00、10-11月:10:00〜16:00
- 休館日:展示会場に準ずる
- 駐車場:メレパレカイコをご利用の方は、そちらの駐車場をご利用ください。
ジェイ・ウーJiaying Wu
Jiaying Wu is an artist and poet based in Berlin, Germany. She holds a B.A. in Visual Communication and an M.A. in Public Art Design from China. In 2009-2010, she was an exchange student at the DFI in Hamburg, Germany, and from 2011 to 2013, she served as a lecturer at the Shanghai Film Art Academy in China. In 2018, she completed her second M.A. in Art in Context at the University of the Arts Berlin, Germany.
Her site-specific works foster connections between people and nature, focusing on seeing, experiencing, perceiving, and expressing. Jiaying bridges cultures by integrating her Chinese heritage with the European context.
She was selected for numerous grants and Artist-in-residence programs, including from YUI-PORT in Japan, Lapis Lazuli: artE in Italy, Sparkasse Cultural Foundation Hesse-Thuringia, the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, and Bernau Cultural Office in Germany.
Her notable solo exhibition "See My Voice" was held at the Museum Burg Ranis in Germany from 2020 to 2021.